Page 64 - ESDMAN CO., LTD.
P. 64

Grounding Cords

               Bench Mount Grounding Cord_ESDMAN P/N:007-3100

               Under bench mounting allows for quick disconnecting of banana plug and keeps
               cords out of the way of workers.
               Grounds two people without using work surface space.
               Two banana jacks allow for two people to ground wrist straps.
               Ring terminal at end of cord allows easy attachment to building ground.
               Mounts under the front of workstations and saves work space.
               Two“parking studs”allow for storage when not in use preventing accidental damage
               to cord.
               Extra ring terminal (included) allows for customizing cord length.

               Common Point Ground Cord_ESDMAN P/N:007-3200

               Grounds snaps to bench mat and accepts two wrist straps.
               Provide two grounding points for wrist straps or carts.
               Ring easy attachment to ESD ground.
               Extra ring terminal or banana plug for grounding.
               1 Megohm resistor at snap end for safety.

               Floor Mat Ground Cord_ESDMAN P/N:007-3300

               Low profit helps keep employees from tripping on cord connection 10mm snap (stud or socket) easily snaps to mat.
               Ring terminal / Banana plug at end of cord allows easy attachment to building ground.
               Molded dome cap reduces tripping flush with mat surface, chairs can easily roll over them without getting snagged.
               Extra ring terminal (included) allows for customizing cord length.
               1 Megohm resistor or no resistor.

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